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However, thebest twoHDCutter runsdrilled1380m (4528 ft) and1395m (4577 ft) for
respectiveROPof 39.4m/hr (129.3 ft/hr) and37.5m/hr (123.0 ft/hr). This represents
anROP increaseof approximately 80%over thebest runs in the field, primarilydue to
theabilityof the cutters to stay sharper, longer, throughanabrasive formation. The
best SD cutter run yieldedadullwitha ‘3’ gradeon the shoulder of thebit (Figure4),
but the twoHDCutter runs yieldeddulls of noworse thana ‘1’ gradeon the shoulder of
thebit (Figure5).
The third application is perhaps themost impressive of the three, but is not as
perfect of a comparisonbetweenSD andHDCutters as theprevious case study. In
this situation, againdrilling ahorizontal interval through theCardium sandstone in
Alberta, Canada, the lengthof the horizontal interval was increased from amaximum
of approximately 1700m (5580 ft) to around 2900m (9500 ft).
TheBHA for these runs included a rotary steerable system to aid in the transition
of weight to thebit in the extended lateral interval. As a result, in addition tomoving
up fromSD cutters toHDCutters, anew customHorizontal Series PDCbit design
was developed for the newwell plan. Thebits used in the standard length intervals
were anSH513D‑typewith adouble‑rowof cutters on fiveblades, fittedwith 13mm
cutters. Thedesign created for the extended length intervalswas a 6
in. SH613DE –
using adouble‑rowof cutters on six bladeswith 13mm cutters.
Whendrilling the standard interval, thebest run that the customer achieved in the
fielddrilled 1395m (4577 ft) at 31.7m/hr (104 ft/hr) andwas graded a 3:3. In thebest
run, the SHEARBITSSH613DEwithHDCutters drilled 2895m (9500 ft) at anROPof
34.3m/hr (131 ft/hr) andwas graded a 0:1 (Figure 6). This performance has sincebeen
repeatedmany times toprove the viability of this technology. In this application, the
use of HDCutters has allowed the company tobecome the only bitmanufacturer in
the industry todrill an interval of over 2000m (6500 ft) in theCardium sandstone in
this region. Additionally, the runmentioned above represents the fastest averageROP
recorded in this regiondrilling horizontally through theCardium sandstone for an
interval over 1600m (5250 ft).
The rate of change for technology in the oil and gas drill bit industry has remained
high sincePDCbitswere introduced in the 1970s. It is very rare for any given
technology to last as long as 10 years as a leading technology in the industry, but
leaching achieved that lofty goal over the last decade. However, HDCutters from
SHEARBITShave raised thebar for performance inmany challenging applications
due to a step change in the combinedproperties of toughness andwear resistance.
Historically, itwas possible to achieve exceptional toughness or exceptional wear
resistance in a givenPDC cutter, but it is nowpossible tohavebothdue tonew
manufacturingprocesses andmaterials that produce high‑density PCD. Whenused
in conjunctionwith customisedPDCbit designs created specifically for HDCutters,
recordperformance canbe realised.
Belnap, J. D., ‘Effect of Cobalt onPCDFractureToughness’,
The rate of change for
technology in the oil and gas
drill bit industry has remained
high since PDC bitswere
introduced in the 1970s.