n recent years, as thecomplexityof drillingnewwells
has increased, it hasbecomeapparent that conventional
rotarydrillinghasanumberof technical andeconomic
limitations. Issues suchas the rapid increase inwell costs
withdepth; low ratesof penetration (ROP) inhard rocks;
longperiodsof non‑productive timewhenusingcasingwith
cementing; high riskofwell collapsedue toexposureof long
segments toexternal pressure; andhigh rig rental costsare
driving thedevelopment of emergingdrilling technologies.
GADrilling, anSME located inBratislava, Slovakia
andLondon,UK, hascompleteda three‑month feasibility
project to investigate thepotential of acontinuous
casing‑while‑drilling technologycalledContiCase. It isbased
on theconceptof creatingcasing in‑situbyadditive layering,
thusensuringenhancedwell stability, and formspartof the
company’sPLASMABITdrilling technologyplatform. Funding
for theprojectwassecuredwithsupport from ITF.
IvanKocis, GADrilling,
ITF, UK, shed light ona joint
industry project onplasma
drilling technology.