deterioration are normally managed well if robust asset
management systems are in place. The area that is
generally not so well covered is where changes arise from
increased knowledge or learning. This is the case in
learning from incidents, be that within a facility or on a
global level, or where the industry’s knowledge of a
particular topic moves on.
New risks are also introduced before production start
up, when either the actions from the original HAZOP are
not adequately completed or when the design is altered
after the HAZOP and the changes not controlled. These
risks should be controlled by robust project management
processes, procedures and controls.
The risks arising from omissions occur because the
original study team ‘missed’ something; failed to identify
a hazardous scenario, underestimated the potential
consequences, underestimated the likelihood of
occurrence etc. Trying to minimise omissions is clearly
important and relies on a number of factors including; the
experience and rigorous approach of the leader, the
knowledge of the team, the time allowed for the
HAZOPs, the level of independence of the HAZOP leader
from the project manager, the availability of specialist
input and vendor knowledge, the pressure (directly
expressed or implied) on the team to complete studies
quickly, the operational experience accumulated in the
process being reviewed, the methodology used and the
state of the design.
This discussion illustrates the great difficulty in
getting a comprehensive risk assessment for a new
project and the even greater difficulty in maintaining the
risk assessment. Even with excellent and robust
management systems for MOC projects, asset
Figure 2.
Typical classification of actual outcome.
Figure 1.
Typical classification of outcome
expected by HAZOP team.
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11/11/2014 11:09:30